About Me
This is me,
Sam Terry
Hello, I'm Sam, and I love cats, as you can see in the picture!
Oh no, wait, I’m supposed to write something about being an author…
Alright: I write kid's activity books, adult guidance books, poetry, and a comic series called "Cat's Incidents". Check out my book pages for more info on them!
I self-publish on Amazon's KDP, doing all my layouts, graphics, covers, and marketing myself - though I'm obviously not great at marketing. In my world, people should be drawn to my work because they feel the joy and sparkle from my heart that I put into everything I create. Not because I want to find reasons why they desperately need to buy my book! You don’t have to buy my books at all! I’d just love if you did, and even more if you liked them.
Yes, that’s how I think marketing should work.
*looks at her sales numbers - Well, there is definitely room for improvement. A lot of room. Like a warehouse-sized room.
Anyway… let’s do some bragging and hope it helps: My most popular book is the German "Finding-Friends Book," "Das Freunde-Finden Buch." An after-school program even gave it to over 50 kids for Easter! Oh cat, did that make me happy and a little bit proud as well!
[/end of bragging][insert sighing emoticon]
I started my career with a fantasy book in 2012, and since then have written 10+ more books with three more being lined up for publishing this year (2024 - don’t know when I will update this bio again).
I've loved writing since I first learned how, but generally, I’m open and active in any kind of creative endeavor. Creativity is my reason for living. I also run a podcast - that I’m struggling to maintain…
I enjoy using AI for translations and research, and generally as an assistant to my every day solo-coping-with-business-life. As we won’t be able to stop new technologies, we should really learn how to use them as good as we can.
Hm, when I started to write this bio, I had no idea what to write and now it escalated a little bit. Perfectly, authentically me!
*takes a bow
PS: I’m from Germany. But one day I want to live in the US.
Interested in my Work?
If you liked my text you will LOVE my work! Perhaps. At least go ahead and check this out:
Interested in working with me?
Or whoa - maybe you want to do an interview with me? I’ll be rich & famous one day, so better book your slots now. They might get rare eventually! No, I’m just kidding. I’ll always have time for you. Because you were the one who visited my site when I wasn’t anywhere near rich & famous. So thank you very much :)
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